
kids school in pune

5 Reasons to Educate about Gardening for kids school in pune

Gardening is an activity that offers a plethora of benefits, especially when introduced at a young age. It may be a transforming teaching tool for children attending kids school in pune and CBSE schools in Dhanori. Including gardening in the curriculum can help kids develop a variety of abilities and lifelong habits. Here are five strong arguments for why Pune’s children’s schools should teach gardening education.

1. Enhances Academic Learning

Growing a garden is an interdisciplinary activity that covers many different topics, which makes it an effective teaching tool. Kids schools in Pune keep gardens from where children get knowledge in biology, chemistry, environmental science, mathematics, and many other areas in addition to plants.

Understanding Science and Nature

Students in Pune primary schools and CBSE schools in Dhanori benefit from gardening by learning the basic principles of biology and ecology. Students gain knowledge of soil health, photosynthesis, plant life cycles, and the value of biodiversity. This experiential learning strategy increases the accessibility and interest of difficult scientific ideas.

Skills in Mathematics

Mathematical learning is also included with gardening. Children may apply mathematical ideas in real-world circumstances by measuring garden plots, calculating area and perimeter, and comprehending plant growth rates.

2. Promotes Physical Activity and Health

Growing plants provides a welcome change in a time when kids are becoming more and more sedentary. It enhances general health and well-being and encourages physical activity.

Physical Exercise

Physical tasks like planting, weeding, watering, and digging are all part of gardening. These activities give a moderate degree of physical exercise, which is needed for the healthy development of children. Their coordination, motor abilities, and general fitness all get better as a result.

Nutritious Eating Practices

Children are more likely to eat fruits and vegetables when they raise their own. An appreciation for wholesome eating is fostered by this first-hand experience with growing food. Youngsters learn the advantages of eating fresh, organic vegetables, which can influence them to make better nutritional decisions.

3. Develops Life Skills and Responsibility

Children of kids school in Pune who garden gain important life skills that they can use outside of the classroom. It imparts endurance, patience, and a sense of responsibility.

Accountability and Caution

Consistent attention and care are necessary for plant maintenance. Youngsters get an appreciation for gardening and learn that their actions have a direct impact on the well-being and development of the plants. This sense of accountability and concern for their environment can be carried over into other aspects of their lives.

Perseverance and Patience

Gardening is a labor-intensive hobby that takes time and commitment to reap the rewards. Kids discover that plants require time to grow and that they should be persistent and hardworking in their endeavors. They learn the value of perseverance and the benefits of hard work from this.

4. Encourages Social Interaction and Teamwork

Students can foster social contact and teamwork by participating in a joint activity like gardening. Enhancing interpersonal skills and fostering a sense of community are two benefits.

Cooperation and Teamwork

Groups of pupils can work together on gardening projects in primary schools in Pune and CBSE schools in Dhanori Children learn how to collaborate well, share duties, and interact with one another through this. For both their personal and professional life, these abilities are essential.

Fostering a Community

Teachers, parents, and local specialists are among the members of the school community who can participate in gardening projects. This fosters a feeling of belonging and community. Pupils gain an understanding of the value of cooperating to achieve a common objective, which promotes unity.

5. Fosters Creativity and Curiosity

Children who garden are more creative and curious, which inspires them to explore and absorb information about their surroundings.

Original Thought

Children can use gardening as an opportunity to show their creativity in a variety of ways, including planning garden layouts, selecting plants, and designing garden décor. Their capacity for original thought and idea generation is improved by this creative expression.

Inquiry and Discovery

Curiosity is naturally piqued by gardening. With time, children develop an insatiable curiosity about the plants they are cultivating, the insects they come across, and the changes they see in their garden. They investigate and inquire because of their curiosity, which cultivates a passion for learning and exploration.


kids’ schools in Pune, especially the primary school in pune and the city’s primary schools stand to gain a great deal from incorporating gardening education into their curricula. It improves academic performance, encourages physical fitness, builds critical life skills, promotes social interaction, and develops creativity and curiosity. Teaching kids about gardening gives them the tools they need to live healthier, more responsible, and more fulfilling lives.